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Martin Shkreli's New Venture “Druglike” – A Web3 Drug Discovery Platform (newswire.com)
6 points by shashanoid on July 25, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Been hanging out on the discord for a bit seems. legit. Even with M.S's involvement.

Druglike's ability to revolutionize drug discovery is enabled by Web3 technology.

Proof-of-Optimization, a novel blockchain consensus mechanism described in the whitepaper, plans to solve computational chemistry problems at a cost competitive with that of standard on-premises environments and cloud computing.

Compute contributors can run both solver and validator nodes powering industrial-scale virtual screening campaigns in exchange for $MSI, the platform's official token.

Yeah, the guy who just did 5 years for a ponzi scheme has a new company running on the Web3 ponzi platform.

But he's paid his debt to society and I'm sure learned the error of his ways (like how not to get caught so easy).

Anyway, where do I send all my fiat money for these $MSI tokens?

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