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‘There’s a Recession Coming’: The Rich Rush to Offload Luxury Properties (vice.com)
4 points by harambae on July 22, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

What do you mean 'there's a recession coming?' it's already here, especially since November 2021 which was the time to prepare as I already said that it was also the time to run away. [0]

It is pointless to wait for months until you are told afterwards that the worst is here when you already see billionaires, VCs, and investors already dumping secondary shares early and exiting their positions after a market euphoria.

By the time you have waited for the official results to be released by these institutions confirming this, it is beyond too late for you to 'prepare'.

[0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29508238

"run away"?

Yes. "run away" from the market euphoria of November 2021.

I'd be curious to know where the line is drawn for "luxury housing" in San Francisco when your entry-level house is >$1.5m many places.

It equates "The rich" with "Tech workers". Confounds rich with well off.

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