Oh I don't mean big buildout contracts - those are bound to be failures. It's like the government paying Lockheed to develop the F-35.
I mean if you relax zoning regulations and permitting processes significantly, then private enterprise will get external funding and build it out. You can already get 5G home internet in a lot of areas from Verizon or TMo for way cheaper than the wired companies and it's just as fast in both bandwidth and latency. If we had a mmWave node on every block then the buildout problem gets solved pretty quickly.
> dirty work of wiring up unprofitable connections
It doesn't need to be wired to the home. See: Webpass. The problem is that NIMBYs will block ugly antennas sticking out from every building so you get mired in environmental reviews, neighborhood comments, etc. and nothing gets built.
I mean if you relax zoning regulations and permitting processes significantly, then private enterprise will get external funding and build it out. You can already get 5G home internet in a lot of areas from Verizon or TMo for way cheaper than the wired companies and it's just as fast in both bandwidth and latency. If we had a mmWave node on every block then the buildout problem gets solved pretty quickly.
> dirty work of wiring up unprofitable connections
It doesn't need to be wired to the home. See: Webpass. The problem is that NIMBYs will block ugly antennas sticking out from every building so you get mired in environmental reviews, neighborhood comments, etc. and nothing gets built.