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pretty sure fruits nowadays are so selected to the point of junk food banana/pineapple/mango/guava/grapes(!)/watermelon was never as sweet couple of decades ago...

Pretty sure fruit now days, is bigger, looks prettier, and ships better but definitely not sweeter.

Honeycrisps disagree with you.

“Our investigation found that more recently released commercial apple varieties have better storage capabilities, contain more soluble solids (sugars) and have less phenolic content. Recent efforts to improve our apples have been focused on keeping fruits fresh for longer and making them taste sweeter. With the expansion of global food markets and our growing preferences for sweeter tastes, these changes are indicative of the desires of modern society.”


The sad part is that the phenols are beneficial for physical, mental and microbiotic health.

Apples are believable, but that does not say much about the fruits mentioned.

Because those fruits do not get selected for their sweetness, their looks, their size? All indicators point towards a similar sugary path to me.

agreed. All the size is diluting the sugars. Tomatoes don't taste the same as they used to

Cotton candy grapes

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