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Ah that's fair enough.

I've actually been thinking about different ways of adding exactly that to a static site - technically you could have something like a comments form that just writes to a text file somewhere (perhaps updating a Gist with the API you mentioned[1]), which the static site reads from upon page reload.

Sounds a bit inelegant I guess, but could be interesting to implement.

[1] https://docs.github.com/en/rest/gists/gists#update-a-gist

I've encountered https://github.com/utterance/utterances, which relies on github issues for providing a blog comments system of a sort.

Alternatively there's https://github.com/giscus/giscus, which instead uses github discussions.

Haven't used either so can't comment (heh) on their "performance".

Ha, wow those are both great, thanks for the links!

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