You’re exactly right —- the genius grant would be scrapped right after they got their list of the top 100 IQ individuals and realized the makeup is quite “problematic”.
Wouldn't it be great if some smart, driven, altruistic people used a small ratio of our tax money to create something qualitatively new, with a potential of providing a better future to all of us?
However, tptb want us in the dirt. There's no other way to explain the legislative choices of the last 50 years.
And many - most, if not all - of the paths to creating a better future would fuck with their business. They pay very competent people in diverse fields to deal with such "threats" to their way of life.
And we tolerate it, because 50% are caught up in the faux wrestling match that is American politics and the other 50% have no representation outside like 6 Democrats, some tiny independent media, and a handful of ethical businesses.