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>>this is not "rule of law".

Where does the law require a private (i.e., non-governmental) internet provider to provide service to any customer who shows up, even if carrying that 'customer' would harm their own reputation?

Do you think that ISPs are somehow subject to discrimination laws that require public-facing businesses to not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, age, etc., and that 8kun is a person in some such protected class?

Do you know for a fact that the provider had no terms of service that 8kun violated?

Why do you think you are a better judge of the truth from your seat an the comment forum than those people who actually are in the situation?

And, BTW, we might note that 8kun has not been reported to have taken or even threatened any legal action, so maybe, just maybe, this isn't quite the legal question you think it is.


(but thanks for showing how easy it is to lob bad-faith bombs destructive to discourse and how much effort is required to even start to clean up the mess)

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