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System Architect/Admin here, great resume.

Not yet. Been applying to a wealth of non-tech jobs, salary be (almost) damned.

No dice. I've even been herding sheep in my holidays, to learn whether I could do that for the next 15-20 years. Still unsure.

Why go this route? Because after 25 years of IT, I have a deep dislike for the whole mess that is the self-serving, disingenuous, marketing-riddled, self-referential cesspool of corporate IT.

Alas, while I'm good at legal stuff, communication, information researching etc. it appears I'm type cast to be a keyboard warrior. I get a gazillion of admin, consultancy and coding offers, but not anything else ever.

Albeit this experience is from Germany, a place that's still crazy for it's maddening love of requiring many funky pieces of government-sponsored paper to get into any vocation that isn't guarding doors.

> Because after 25 years of IT, I have a deep dislike for the whole mess that is the self-serving, disingenuous, marketing-riddled, self-referential cesspool of corporate IT.

Why do you think other industries are any better? "self-serving, disingenuous, marketing-riddled, self-referential cesspool" pretty much fits any large-scale human activity. The exceptions are rare and ephemeral.

I had that sneaking suspicion, yes. Hence the sheep.

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