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>It's price inflation due to a supply crunch brought on by the pandemic shutdowns (whose effect was delayed) and the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Pandemic, probably yes. Ukraine? Probably not. The supply problem is over-optimized supply chains, which means "we build everything in China, and they're not producing." I just got a time estimate of 52 weeks for a 1200A distribution panel, and things like breakers >600A have similar restrictions.

All of this compounds up and down the chain. But luckily, a lot of suits on Wall Street are making tons of money, so everything will be fine, right?

> But luckily, a lot of suits on Wall Street are making tons of money, so everything will be fine, right?

Look at risk assets, and consider whether that supports your assertion.

I read that retrospectively, as:

~ But luckily, a lot of suits on Wall Street are making tons of money forcing the global economy into this put-all-your-eggs-in-the-Chinese-manufacturing-basket strategy, so never mind any potential risks to the larger global economy outside Wall Street in the second or third decade of the twenty-first century; those suits on Wall Street are making tons of money and that's the main thing, so everything will be fine, right?

And sure, it was -- for a while. And for those suits on Wall Street, it probably still is: They've made their [m|b]illions. (Not sure what you mean by "risk assets", but I do know this: If they're really risks, you and I will probably be on the hook for them, rather than those suits on Wall Street.)

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