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start lifting, hire a trainer to do it right and safely

see what your body can do, it is clear that your mind has accomplished a lot

the contentment of a great workout is hard to beat

Great advice. I've done ultra marathons, powerlifting and strongman (open division). Knowing I'll never be the best and there is an upper limit I've created my own goal Project 15-50. Complete the big three lifts (squat, bench and deadlift) for a total of 1500lbs and run a 50 miler within a week, a three year goal.

Though I do feel I need to see what my mind can accomplish. I'm a DS Manager (was an air traffic controller) but the role isn't technically difficult.

I find that personally this is a big one for me, except I spend my time road cycling. Depending on who you are the competitive aspect of group riding can be very enjoyable. (Different sports may be a better fit depending on who you are)

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