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As a partner of an elementary educator in Canada, a master's degree no, but definitely an undergraduate with some amount of co-op.

Knowing how to teach well, to 25+ students, is not something you can pick-up over a handful of years. Many don't even after their degrees. Even if a school sets a lesson plan that's "perfect", you'd still need someone to adapt and tailor that plan to the classroom, or to students with special needs.

Lowering education standards is an absolutely surefire way of hamstringing the future of a state or country.

Here's a better question, why 25+ students?

You have 2 minutes per student in the average class. That hamstrings the future of a state or country more surely than having worse teachers.

Oh, 100%. Unfortunately, that's what the unions here agreed to and there seems to be very little motive from either side to change it.

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