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Can folks recommend any articles/books that shed a light on time-restricted feeding done safely while incorporating vigorous exercise? I'm someone who historically gets "hangry" (according to my wife) and starting 2 weeks, I accidentally skipped breakfast two days in a row and

  1. felt amazing
  2. surprised my hangry stopped kicking in
I'm someone who previously could not tolerate skipping meals and totally caught off guard that my "hangriness" stopped flaring up. Would love an explanation for this (starting to take ice cold showers first thing in the morning coincides from the accidental fasting so not sure if cold showers confound my perceived benefits of fasting)

It’s hard to get good data - everybody seems to have something to sell.

That said, I’m enjoying this person’s YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/XCvUf9WU4qI

He at least refers to physiology and his videos avoid taking about toxins, acidity and other woo too much.

I accidentally did a nearly 60 hour fast for the first time ever last week as a result of watching that channel and doing some reading. Ate dinner on Monday, I was aiming for 36, felt fine on Wednesday morning so extended to 48 then decided to push on and skip dinner. Woke up at 3am on Thursday feeling such a genuine hunger that made me realise I’ve never been more than ‘peckish’ for most of my life. I caved and ate a small spoonful of ghee (pure fat) which lit my brain up like fireworks. Hunger immediately abated, the physical relief was incredible.

The main advice I followed was to drink more water, probably about double my usual consumption and take electrolyte salts.

https://reddit.com/r/fasting is also a pretty good resource

Thank you so much for the resources and will be watching the video on autophagy that you had linked.

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