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Blot is a blogging platform with no interface. It turns a folder into a website (blot.im)
83 points by memorable on July 10, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

This has been honestly the best no-barriers blogging experience for me. No publishing, no committing. Just open an editor and create or edit files. They sync via Dropbox. Made a typo in a published article? Just edit the file. Handles HN front page without any issues (it’s a static site deployed to a cdn). Author has been providing amazing support.

Also very convenient for casual writing/editing from any device where an app can sync via Dropbox. Can fix a typo on an iPhone via something like 1Writer while on the go.

Not a user, but it looks super polished! The attention to detail in their todo-list and changelog alone, just wonderful.

Looks nice. A few notes: The 'Draft' and 'Files' folders should be inside the blot folder. An optional blot.exe in the folder could have help, check on rules (like underscore), open the website's editor for templates, upload/sync local files, etc...

this is interesting.

i have been considering similar ideas when i was working on a blog frontend for my object storage platform. i can edit text files with any editor, upload them to the platform, and the system will convert them to an article.

one of the things i was considering was to make it possible to embed images without any markup. the idea was to have an article represented as a folder, with images and text parts as multiple files. all files would be sorted and then assembled into one article with images and other objects.

Wow. It is rare to see a truly simple to use but powerful user experience like this one. Kudos to the designer(s).

I would say Org Mode does this too, but emacs is quite the interface..

I like this idea a lot, will give it a try. Thanks for that.

want there an option in windows XP to do this?

I dont blog but this makes me want to start!

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