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Sound induces analgesia through corticothalamic circuits (science.org)
47 points by bookofjoe on July 9, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

Great context, discussion: https://www.genengnews.com/topics/drug-discovery/therapeutic...

> Higher intensities of the same sounds had no effect on animals’ pain responses. “In mice, we found that sound-induced analgesia depended on its low SNR rather than harmony, which is supported by a previous hypothesis that music-induced analgesia is attributable to contextual factors of the treatment, not only to the music per se,” they wrote. “We were really surprised that the intensity of sound, and not the category or perceived pleasantness of sound would matter,” Liu said.

> The authors further stated that the observed low-SNR sound–induced analgesia is “unlikely to result from some reduction in anxiety or stress, and it probably does not directly involve attention-distraction in affecting pain perception, given that the analgesic effects persisted for at least two days after sound withdrawal.

So the C+C Music Factory was right?

  The music takes control, your heart and soul
  Unfold, your body is free and a whole
  Dance till you can't, dance till you can't dance no more
  Get on the floor and get raw
  Then come back and upside down
  Easy now, let me see ya
  Move (let your mind)
  Groove (put me on line)
  The music is my life
As far as sitting here at this desk, waiting for the bubble in my right eye to go away... jamming out to music on Youtube is one of the most relaxing parts of the wait.

Reminds me of several natural sounds that are pleasing to many people: sitting next to a waterfall, wind blowing through tree leaves/needles, a slow steady rain ... sources of 'rich' noises (of various shades).

Sundance Film Festival (2014) - Alive Inside: A Story Of Music & Memory Featurette - Documentary HD


“in mice”


If that's all you have to offer perhaps you should offer nothing instead.

Music heals

Is it about ASMR?


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