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Understanding Evangelicalism in America Today (theconversation.com)
4 points by afrcnc on July 9, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Perhaps people turn away from this stuff because people claiming to be Christians don’t act like Christians? That whole love-one’s-neighbour, turn-other-cheek snd all that. Maybe they’re all really very conservative Jews, as they cite the Old Testament a lot? Yet they mix fabrics and love their bacon…

Or, maybe they’re just people who hate the Others and act on it? Decades ago, it was dogs and Irish, now…

They're sodomites.

Interesting for those non-evangelicals among us. Given that evangelical identification is shrinking, perhaps articles explaining everyone else to the remaining evangelicals are in order. After all, as a minority, they'll have to get along with the rest of us.

"It’s about time that the Evangelical Christian in America realizes he’s an American first and a Evangelical Christian second."

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