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> The local council has emphasised that there will be no limit to visitor numbers, only an increase in the entry fee should a certain number of visitors be reached on a particular day.

So it's not about overcrowding, it's just about getting paid. If it were just about overcrowding they could just limit the number and keep a flat fee, the way park systems do. Or a lottery.

This is a classic and efficient way to allow people to visit Venice.

If you are early or come at a slow time the price is low, if the number of people increases, so do the price. So it's not a first come first serve, but an actual price of demand.

Virginia did that on a highway used by commuters to get into D.C. where they want a minimum travel speed of 40 mph (might be lower) and the more people get into it, the more the price rise. From $1, up to $30 on a rare occasion.

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