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It's a patently stupid strategy over the long run though. Abandonment of ones own currency is suicide regardless of whether it's USD or Bitcoin. And clearly, Bitcoin did not help El Salvador improve it's financing situation: the Bitcoin bond they tried to push was a complete flop. Argentina has a way better model: they control their money, they've defaulted repeatedly, the currency has magically remained stable, and everyone comes back after each default.

Another massive issue is that as a currency with an inelastic supply Bitcoin price volatility is guaranteed to remain unstable. This is not a desirable feature for any currency.

I'm not sure why you view Argentina as a "better model". They're in the middle of (another) currency crisis right now which is causing their economy to collapse and social unrest:


The annual inflation rate in Argentina is ~76%. It's basically impossible to do business in Pesos when it's devaluing so quickly. Every contract programmer in Argentina is doing business in Bitcoin or stablecoins because they would lose ~40-60% if they were paid in USD from abroad. People are stashing savings dollars (and Bitcoin) to keep it out of government hands and protect it from becoming worthless.

If historically your government has breached the trust of its people from careless money printing local currency, using a major world currency as your money is something to keep you honest.

Bitcoin is like this for all governments and currencies. It is honest true hard money that cannot be devalued by the money printers. It’s the hard money of last resort and you bet this will be more and more important as we lose trust for each other’s currency.

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