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IPCC WGI Interactive Map:Days with Temperatures more than 35℃ (ipcc.ch)
2 points by YashdharaC on July 4, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Whichever you play around with the various datasets, what awaits the planet is really scary. Please share this map and make everyone aware what lies ahead for their country/region!

This is a good idea well executed, a smooth and fast visualization of major climate datasets scalar fields. The time projections are from model datasets which should be taken as such in terms of what conclusion to draw from these.

Im not sure what is scary about 6-7 days/year of T > 35 deg for projection into 2100? (In central Europe, for instance).

The precipitation seems to me not really done well by the models. This is really the crux of the problem (and there is no easy way to amend this).

Europe also seems to have a projection of cleaner air in PM2.5 (It might also not be the reality with the current coal substitution for energy generation - but this might be only temporary for climate studies).

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