I'm still waiting to ever see any disaster or problem or issue with any other plane manufacturer show up here or in other media sources. Other manufacturers have problems just as often. Yet the reporting is completely, horrendously, skewed to the point where every single Boeing issue is blasted as publicly as possible, whereas you never, ever, hear of any problems with any other planes, which paints a completely inaccurate picture of the landscape.
Other manufacturers, apart from Airbus, those include Embrear and Bombardier (at the time) didn't have that issue of brand new planes crashing into to ground, killing 100s of people due to shoddily implemented and hardly documented software.
Other manufacturers didn't have to halt production of their flagship model due to shoddy manufacturing and quality control.[0]
It seems that this company ultimately values the lifes of passengers flying their planes lower than the financial shenanigans they so much like to put in place.[1]
It seems that Boeing is quite rightfully getting all the opprobrium it deserves.
When the second one crashed seat of the pants Bayesian probability said to me something was very very wrong with that design. In at least the burden of proof flips around from prove it's unsafe to prove it's not.
To me it's a classic case of what happens when you let MBA brains make all the decisions.