There was another platform i will leave nameless. They performed additional "ahead of time" type optimization after a developer submitted a binary. That layer had bugs. I personally saw them surface. Since the AOT happened transparently on the platform vendor's machine it was very hard for a developer to test, diagnose, confirm fixed, etc. The developer still got blamed for bugs hitting the end user. That layer one can also imagine could see changes on the platform vendor's server so something could theoretically break later on and nobody would know until the bug reports came flooding to the developer.
Because it was a goofy idea. Sounds good superficially, but ill conceived at the design stage.
Moreover, that goofiness may also be why they don't need it anymore. It wasn't a solid idea to begin with, so your changing requirements wind up revealing that.
There was another platform i will leave nameless. They performed additional "ahead of time" type optimization after a developer submitted a binary. That layer had bugs. I personally saw them surface. Since the AOT happened transparently on the platform vendor's machine it was very hard for a developer to test, diagnose, confirm fixed, etc. The developer still got blamed for bugs hitting the end user. That layer one can also imagine could see changes on the platform vendor's server so something could theoretically break later on and nobody would know until the bug reports came flooding to the developer.
Because it was a goofy idea. Sounds good superficially, but ill conceived at the design stage.
Moreover, that goofiness may also be why they don't need it anymore. It wasn't a solid idea to begin with, so your changing requirements wind up revealing that.