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A trick you can do is A/B pricing schemes to see which gets you more purchases.

You can even do this before your product is ready. Make two pages with different prices, A/B test them and track conversions on the "Buy" button. Since your product isn't ready yet, just show a "Thanks for your interest, but we aren't done yet!" page. Collect email addresses too.

This gives you an idea how many people will buy at what price-point, and help provide more email signups. The caveat is that it requires some level of traffic coming to your site first

Yeah, I guess I would need much more traffic to even test the smallest a/b test. Currently I only get about 20 hits per day on the homepage. Seems like I should have started marketing first.

You can test even with low traffic...it just takes longer. :)

Try testing incrementally. Run some tests where your conversion is going from Home Page -> Pricing page. This is pretty easy to do since clicking through to a pricing page is a lot less friction than buying a product, so you'll have more data to work with.

Once you get a good conversion there, move on to the next step in your funnel (probably Pricing -> Buy)

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