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> But I'm stating that each state has an equal say in the decision (in the Senate) precisely because it impacts states approximatepy equally

I do not agree that impacts states equally nor do I buy into the premise that states should have an equal say. We aren't seeing the tyranny of the majority, we are seeing the tyranny of the minority between the filibuster and the senate not being representative of the people.

The senate is representative of the states. The house is representative of the people.

I reject the idea that states deserve representation outsized to their population, I'm well aware that's not the current state of affairs but I find it anti-democratic.

As for the house I find it representative of the people in name only. By capping the total members we have done a gross injustice to people by letting the ratio of rep->constituant grow to an unreasonable number. Along with our two party system I certainly don't feel as if I'm represented by my senators or my rep.

Again, I understand how things currently "work", I'm just saying it's a shit status quo. I also understand this is just the opinion of a random person online and I'm not asking you to argue against it (though you're welcome to disagree).

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