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MNT Pocket Reform (mntre.com)
35 points by ecliptik on June 27, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I hope very much this comes to market because for me it's a close-to-perfect device. I've been wanting an ortholinear keyboard on a small linux-capable mobile device for a long time now. That keyboard seriously is exactly what I've been dreaming about for a while now.

Others have implemented these via custom enclosures either 3D-printed or acrylic laser-cut, but the time and resources I'd need to invest for that are probably equal to or more than what I'd spend on just an MNT Pocket Reform.

Alternatively, I could get a tablet PC and just pair it with an ortholinear keyboard. This leaves the option open for x86_64, which is unfortunately a requirement for Proton Mail's bridge application. Ultimately I think a specialized device would be a more satisfying solution, even if it means having to use Proton Mail's web interface...

Neat, I really dig what MNT has been doing with the reform and now this.

Though I'd personally require a smaller screen bezel in such a small form factor, that's too much wasted precious area.

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