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I have two thoughts on this:

* Copilot isn't nearly as useful as some are making it out to be - I've been seeing thread on Reddit talking about how Copilot will mean devs will now be out of a job, and a bunch of other hot takes about what this means for the industry. I personally think that it won't be all that revolutionary, very useful, but it's not going to disrupt anything.

* The "Software vs Snippets" argument: Say you have an OSS project that is MIT licensed. Copilot learns from some of your code and offers suggestions based on what you wrote to another developer for say a helper function or a script. Technically yes, your License was violated and your code was stolen. But when you think about it on a more practical level it's not that big of a deal. The point I'm making is Software is all about composing a bunch of snippets into something of value. A dev ripping off my build script or key extractor helper function isn't the same as them ripping off my entire app. One is just fine, the other is not in my eyes.

the big deal part is that it's a multi billion dollar corporation making money off of a derivative work while blatantly disregarding copyright.

I agree with the snippets take, Copilot functions like a super-powered search; instead of a Developer looking at code on Github and taking the snippet from it, Copilot just presents that snippet to the developer in a much more quicker fashion.

The problem is not about what it generates, its about how it got the data to generate it.

what is the difference? the output is the output

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