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Concerns grow that India is ‘back door’ into Europe for Russian oil (theguardian.com)
4 points by akbarnama on June 27, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

seems there's a lot of ragging on India at the moment, a massive country with huge energy needs, who have nothing to do with this conflict and can be expected only to operate in its national interest, as is their right.

Two things annoying about this reportage - firstly, Europe continues to buy Russian oil yet India is the one being lambasted. Secondly, India previously relied on Iranian oil before that was sanctioned by the US, forcing relatively recent dependency on Russian supply.

Even the headline makes it clear that the issue is not just that India is buying oil from Russia. That is concerning -- that India is importing much more than it used to, only because prices are better for them now.

But the actual concern of the article is that there is a suspicious amount of oil leaving India and no way to track the provenance of oil reaching Europe. The suspicion is that India is essentially laundering Russian oil.

From the article:

> "Before the invasion of Ukraine, India’s imports of Russian oil were negligible due to high freight costs. But recently, imports of Russian oil to India have increased. Vadinar’s owner, Nayara, purchased Russian oil in March – just before international restrictions on its exports were introduced – after a gap of a year, buying about 1.8m barrels from Trafigura, Reuters reported."

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