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> I just eat what I like and am happy

An unacceptably selfish attitude in 2022 where industrial-scale mass production of meat foods are literally making our planet unlivable at alarming rates.

As a conscious human being within civilized society you have a responsibility to do the right thing, even if it means taking on a little discomfort in the short term.

Your happiness has less priority than our survival as a species.

Diets are not a "little discomfort in the short term" and treating them in such a way is a slippery slope to things that neither you nor i would be happy to observe. To adopt a particular diet means to be reliant on a specific set of foods, which is not feasable. Diets are also geographical and are shaped by the conditions that those who follow the diet have to live in. It's not as easy as "just don't eat meat".

>Your happiness has less priority than our survival as a species.

Said the next Hitler/Mao/Stalin...

If veganism, ecology, and environmentalism are to be associated with genocidal megalomania, god help us survive ourselves.

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