Mmm I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, I definitely believe in giving users the ability to customize and control the software they use. But on the other hand, I feel like a search engine, in order to be good, should be opinionated about what constitutes "quality" and what's useful to people. These goggles can kind of be a way for Brave to say "the blood isn't on my hands".
Also, seeing the initial examples from their beta (e.g. boost tech content or boost left-wing news sources) makes me a bit weary about its usefulness (if most people, rather than creating their own goggles end up using some prepackaged ones).
Also, seeing the initial examples from their beta (e.g. boost tech content or boost left-wing news sources) makes me a bit weary about its usefulness (if most people, rather than creating their own goggles end up using some prepackaged ones).