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Your ability to deduce the identities of anonymous downvoters and read their minds is simply amazing to me. How can I learn this art?

points to Banana699's comment beside yours

By pulling your head out of the sand and paying attention.

I find it very amusing you don't even try to respond.

You just condemn the heresy and scream, like all good true believers.

I did appreciate your capering and prancing on command about the conservative Current Thing.

It was a nice illustration of my point.

Is there anything more pathetic than pretending that not being able to argue against something and escaping with "this just further proves my point" is an own? Probably not.

Pedophilia enjoyer.

To answer your question, someone who doesn't realize he's not part of a debate, but just an example in an argument.

Do keep up the histrionics and the half-assed insults as you argue here, though. Those antics will absolutely make people take you seriously.

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