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The problem I keep seeing in startups is that a lot of startup tech founders and employees don't see a startup as an embryonic business that will grow over the long term into a money-making venture requiring calculated risks and priorities, but rather as a personal playground to do all the fun things they were not allowed to do at their old BigCorp.

Use cool framework or language X? Use Kubernetes? Microservices? Lambdas? No-SQL? Two fingers to BigCorp, I'm CTO/tech employee #1 at a new startup and I get to do whatever I want. If and when it goes down in flames, I now have these skills on my resume I can leverage into a better opportunity.

Ideally your first tech employee/CTO should be a seasoned hand who has been burned before, who keeps an open mind to new approaches but knows when and how to adopt it. But it's quite rare to have seasoned developers in such startups, they're not attracted by the risk and chaos of these environments as they have better options and startups generally can't afford them.

I think that’s true, but also it’s not clear what tools a startup should use. Even if they stick to a single VM, managing that VM in a way that is reasonably safe and reproducible is somewhat important—the more often you have people manually SSHing onto the VM the more likely you will need to recover functionality from scratch while also making it almost impossible to do so in any timely manner (because the functioning state of the VM is the result of many thousands of manual changes, many of which are undocumented, incompletely documented, or incorrectly documented). So then you can start learning about automating changes on a machine, but now you’re into territory that is about as complex as Kubernetes (or perhaps not “complex” as much as “you have to figure out what combination of tools and practices will work”, while a cloud-provider’s managed Kubernetes makes a lot of these kinds of choices for you out of the box and many others are obvious).

Similarly, you might reasonably try to use a PaaS, and it might work at first, but then you need to do something as common as a background task and find that your PaaS doesn’t support things like that (you can try running it in a process in your PaaS’s container and just accept that the background tasks are likely to be interrupted periodically?).

I don’t think Kubernetes is the answer for a startup, but it’s not obvious what “the answer” is, and much of the discussion ignores the complexity in the alternatives. It’s not helpful to say “Kubernetes is too complex” without articulating a simpler alternative (unless you are hinting at a market opportunity).

I think it's clear to people who specialize in that. I don't know why startups don't hire a DevOps/SRE/Syseng/Sysadmin/Architect contractor right off the bat. Hire a really experienced one for one month and they'll give you several different options, lay out the pros and cons, costs, staffing, time estimates. Take their suggestions and implement the one that fits your business plans.

For example, a single VM you ssh into works fine if you do daily VM snapshots and deploy from snapshot. If somebody breaks it, revert to last working snapshot. Blue/green in multiple environments work with it too. Super cheap, super simple, easy to recover, automated. Very boring.

> I don't know why startups don't hire a DevOps/SRE/Syseng/Sysadmin/Architect contractor right off the bat.

It's entirely likely that they are doing this, but the DevOps/SREs that they're hiring are prescribing the tools that they know and have seen work in the organizations that they're coming from.

I've been an SRE for nearly a decade, and I honestly couldn't tell you in detail how to set up a pet-VM deployment with automation and guidance about who deploys to it, on what cadence, etc or who operates it, etc. In my first DevOps job, we were doing something like this, but it was a hot mess--that startup hired the wrong sysadmin to bootstrap us, and the next guy they hired moved us to AWS ECS (running on Fargate) and that was a dramatically more effective solution for us. The point isn't that ECS > pet VMs, but only that we were able to find a successful path with ECS where we were unable to with pet VMs despite hiring someone who allegedly had that experience. For that organization, ECS (rather than pet VMs) was the Very Boring Solution (mind you, I'm not a particularly big fan of ECS either).

People often confound complexity with having to learn something new.

k8s IS complex, not because it's new, which it isn't anymore, but it's so complex that even the developers have lost oversight.

And not just that, it's expensive. It requires a lot of hardware just for the base, 9 servers minimum.

The more complex something gets the harder it is to get done right.

I would downvote you if I could because what you wrote is just ignorant and anyone who dealt with k8s before can tell that you never dealt with it.

> I would downvote you if I could because what you wrote is just ignorant and anyone who dealt with k8s before can tell that you never dealt with it.

I don't know why you're snarking so hard when there are dozens of managed Kubernetes offerings out there.

> It requires a lot of hardware just for the base, 9 servers minimum.

An HA deployment requires 3 nodes for the control plane, and as many or few workers as necessary. But yes, this is 3 more nodes than you would run without automated orchestration. Of course, the cost of these 3 nodes is amortized over all of the worker nodes, so if you're only running 3 worker nodes you're paying 100% for orchestration, but if you're running 30 worker nodes you're only paying 10% (this is assuming equally sized nodes, for simplicity).

> The more complex something gets the harder it is to get done right.

Right, but if someone else packages that complexity up for you in a piece of software (like Kubernetes or Linux) it's often much easier to get it done right than it would be to roll your own from primitives.

If 9 nodes is a lot for you, then I agree that your problems are small enough that manual solutions can be much simpler than using Kubernetes.

You also don't need an angle grinder to open a cardboard box, but that doesn't mean angle grinders are stupid and can all be replaced with a box cutter.

You’ll need to name names and their particular shortcomings if you’re going to say there are no good PaaS alternatives. In particular, both AWS and GCP have cron-as-a-service, which can then be hooked up to AWS Lambda/GCP Functions. Now, I’m not saying this will work for every use case out there (eg there are time limits on both), but without getting into the weeds a little bit on why those PaaS won’t work (for your use case), there are viable alternatives to K8s’ complexity.

> You’ll need to name names and their particular shortcomings if you’re going to say there are no good PaaS alternatives.

I'm not saying there are no good PaaS alternatives, I'm saying that it's not easy to find the right PaaS alternative. You might think you have the right one, and then some key feature is just missing (in my example, the ability to kick off orchestrator-aware background tasks).

> In particular, both AWS and GCP have cron-as-a-service, which can then be hooked up to AWS Lambda/GCP Functions.

Right, but now you're dealing with cloud-provider primitives which doesn't seem significantly more straightforward than dealing with Kubernetes (instead of knowing Kubernetes, you need to know the cloud provider APIs).

> there are viable alternatives to K8s’ complexity.

I'm sure there are, but figuring out which PaaS is appropriate for your use case (or a combination of PaaS + various cloud provider tools + etc) is a hard problem, possibly just as hard as building on a managed Kubernetes offering.

Personally, I'm hoping someone makes an open-source, push-button Kubernetes distro that has the common stuff built-in: external-dns, cert-manager, ingress-controllers, network storage backends, central logging, prometheus/grafana, etc. This would give you even more of the happy path built in without necessarily coupling you to a cloud provider while also giving you plenty of "future-proofing" (if your pass doesn't have some feature, you often need to switch to another platform, but if your Kubernetes distro doesn't have some feature, you can just build it atop Kubernetes).

> The problem I keep seeing in startups is that a lot of startup tech founders and employees don't see a startup as an embryonic business that will grow over the long term into a money-making venture requiring calculated risks and priorities, but rather as a personal playground to do all the fun things they were not allowed to do at their old BigCorp.

I don't think this is an accurate or realistic take.

You're actually stating that tech founders, when starting greenfields projects, actually take the time to invest in frameworks that offer advantages over outdated legacy systems adopted way back in the past which are only in place because there is no chance in hell a company will spend resources to pay off their technical debt.

There was a point in time where adopting Java+Spring, or even React was something only some silly risk-taker would do when playing around in their personal playground. But as the investment paid off so handsomely, they have become baseline options.

If you are free to choose the absolute best tool you have at your reach, why wouldn't you?

The GP is referring to a well-known phenomena that the founder of HN described in http://www.paulgraham.com/before.html.

> We saw this happen so often that we made up a name for it: playing house. Eventually I realized why it was happening. The reason young founders go through the motions of starting a startup is because that's what they've been trained to do for their whole lives up to that point. Think about what you have to do to get into college, for example. Extracurricular activities, check. Even in college classes most of the work is as artificial as running laps.

Many people, and I'd argue most people, start startups for their careers and for fun. Actually focusing on the business and solving business problems is foreign, grunge work. It's no surprise that founders and early employees pursue exciting tech to distract themselves from the challenge of product-market fit.

Not OP, but over the last year, I've worked in 4 startups. (A) reached a $100m Series C. (B) had a tech stack that was far too complicated for what it needed which opened my eyes to how badly teams can shoot themselves in the foot with K8s. (C) was at YCombinator graduate that increased their ARR by $1m in the last month. (D) was funded based on a pitch deck and a bunch of former FAANG.

(B) had 200 unique visitors a month and a stack built on Kubernetes with something like 8 microservices. It was running Apollo, Socket.io, and on and on; literally overcomplicating everything...for 200 unique visitors a month. Every single aspect of that system was over-complicated. CTO was part of the problem, but was complicit in letting tech team go wild; many of whom just up and left after playing around with the tech.

(D) on the other hand had the exact problem that OP described: they started going hog wild building multi-layered service-oriented architecture when the system barely has any traffic. Deployment is a pain. Code is copy-pasted everywhere because the alternative is to publish and pull packages and that's a lot of friction. Team can code, but barely understands the tech stack.

(C) built the dumbest architecture I've ever seen. Shit was stapled together. Webhooks were constantly failing due to quota pressure. Their Firestore queries were inefficient and their sloppy migrations led to many broken documents in the store. But guess what? They are actually growing in this economic environment because they solved a real problem without worrying about growth until they actually saw the growth.

(A) built his solution in Angular because that's what he knew and didn't try to jump on React or other hype.

At (C) (the YC startup), I had a conversation with the COO that I'll never forget. We were discussing an architectural decision which would have scalability and stability impact down the line. What he said was to the effect that "We have 10,000 users today and if we lost them all, there are still 7 billion people. We'll find another 10,000". He made it clear that they wouldn't be happy about it, but that it's speed above all else.

> If you are free to choose the absolute best tool you have at your reach, why wouldn't you?

The purpose of a startup isn't to play around with tech: it's to find product-market fit and zero in on the business value. If you think of a startup as a place to play around with tech, you have no place in a startup.

You should almost always choose the "dumbest" possible technology used in the "dumbest" possible way so that you can hire anyone and they can step in and be productive when you need to scale. It minimizes ramp up time. It minimizes deployment and operational complexity. It minimizes the ways the system can fail. Literally build the dumbest thing that solves the core business problem that creates value for the user and then figure it out from there.

> (B) had 200 unique visitors a month and a stack built on Kubernetes with > something like 8 microservices. It was running Apollo, Socket.io, and on and on; > literally overcomplicating everything...for 200 unique visitors a month. Every > single aspect of that system was over-complicated. CTO was part of the problem, > but was complicit in letting tech team go wild; many of whom just up and left > after playing around with the tech.

I do not understand how can anyone draw any conclusions from this whether or not the technology were at fault here for the implied failure.

>You should almost always choose the "dumbest" possible technology used in the "dumbest" possible way so that you can hire anyone and they can step in and be productive when you need to scale. It minimizes ramp up time. It minimizes deployment and operational complexity. It minimizes the ways the system can fail. Literally build the dumbest thing that solves the core business problem that creates value for the user and then figure it out from there.

Yes!!! Spot on. I always say “make it so simple an idiot can immediately understand it, or me when I’m hungover”. Choose the most boring, simple…yet reliable, stable, well supported tech you can. Focus on business problems and not if you can use fancy-new-tech to solve them!

I think it is strange that the only example you gave of (A) is that they chose angular over react because that's what they knew.

Everyone else failed because their backend systems were overly complicated.

I don't see how there is a lesson to learn from it unless we make a ton of assumptions about (A), absolutely none of which have anything to do with angular or react.

The last paragraph definitely makes sense, though I'm currently in the unenviable position of un-fucking a startup because the initial developers chose a setup that was far too dumb. It's literally going to take at least as long to fix as it took to initially build out. Ce la vie I guess.

To get to $100m you have to do so many things right and so many things wrong that it's hard to isolate any one or two things. But key is that the co-founder and CTO stuck to what he knew and focused on solving a business problem. Angular or React doesn't matter; could have gone the other way.

You probably mis-understand what I mean by "dumb" and why I put it in quotes. Things that are "dumb" are intentionally so; they are built on stacks using technologies and approaches that have low cognitive load. It almost feels boring because of how easy it is to build on the stack and extend the stack without shooting yourself in the foot. A very practical example is something like Google Cloud Run vs Google Cloud Functions with Cloud Run being more flexible, easier to deploy, easier to work with, and easier to reason about. It's stupid simple and rather boring.

But besides the fact, dumb things are generally easier to unfuck than complicated things. Complicated things with many dependencies built on complicated stacks are much harder to untangle and refactor.

because engineering is about tradeoffs and the right tool for the job. The vehicle with the “absolute best” carrying capacity is gonna be a semi-truck, but that’s laughable if you’re going to use one for a supermarket run for groceries.

Newer != better

Because most startups aren’t going to grow in the long term to profitable businesses. Either they are going to flame out completely or they are going to get acquired, the product discontinued and the founder is going to walk away with money and post an article on their blog about “our amazing journey”.

As an employee, it’s in your own self interest to do resume driven development. Your “equity” probably won’t be worth anything so you might as well work toward preparing for your next job.

As a founder, you can’t offer the compensation of a larger company. What you can offer is the chance to work on “cool cutting edge technology”.

At this point in my career, I’m more motivated by being able to describe successful outcomes than cool new technology. But I do understand the motivations. I’m also not an old curmudgeon though that considers the cloud is just a bunch of VMs.

Given the failure rate of startups, "I now have these skills on my resume I can leverage into a better opportunity" may be the actual goal of most employees.

I've seen this frequently in large companies as well. That's why you see legacy systems with random tech.

> Use cool framework or language X? Use Kubernetes? Microservices? Lambdas? No-SQL? Two fingers to BigCorp, I'm CTO/tech employee #1 at a new startup and I get to do whatever I want. If and when it goes down in flames, I now have these skills on my resume I can leverage into a better opportunity.

I was building a SaaS application (as a tech co-founder) and chose rails. It was newish to me (I'd done 1-2 projects) and I admit, I wanted to get better at rails. But it was also, after assessing the options and my (limited) knowledge of the future, the tech with the best chance of helping the company succeed.

I have definitely run into startups where there was overly complicated technology, but tended to be later stage and have raised some money. As a founder/employee #1, I have a hard time believing anyone would pick tech just to burnish their resume; they should be trying to ship so the company succeeds.

What am I missing?

>As a founder/employee #1, I have a hard time believing anyone would pick tech just to burnish their resume; they should be trying to ship so the company succeeds....What am I missing?

That most startups are Underpants Gnomes, the company probably won't succeed even if they ship.

Even if the company is not Underpants Gnomes and their fundamentals are sound, succeeding or not is still largely luck based.

Maybe the reference to Underpants Gnomes is too dated now? - https://youtu.be/a5ih_TQWqCA

Love the underpants gnomes reference and I agree that many startups will fail. But wow, working at a company you feel in your bones will fail seems to me to be a poor way to spend a career.

Not that every company I've worked at succeeded, but I hoped that every startup I joined as an employee would.

Now, as a contractor or consulting company, you still want the client to succeed, but it's much easier to be arms-length, take orders, and collect your check.

You’re missing the fact that employees who are interested in their own career would be less interested in a Rails stack on their resume.

It was over half a decade ago. But the point wasn't about the particular tech, it was that folks who join a startup, especially if early, should prefer the startup to succeed over choosing overcomplicated solutions, and I don't understand why. A couple of possible reasons:

* they don't think the solution is overcomplicated

* they don't really care about the startup succeeding

* they don't know what the ramifications of picking the wrong technology will have

* they think the risk of learning something new is outweighed by the value to the company (or themselves)

I don't think startup employees are altruistic, but picking a tech you know will have a detrimental effect on your employer strikes me as shortsighted.

I don’t think people want their employee to fail. But given a choice between the most “correct” technology and the most “marketable” technologies. It’s short sighted as employee to choose the most “correct” technology. More than likely the startup is going to fail.

If given a choice between Vue and React, I might prefer Vue. But I would still choose React as a tech lead because I know it is more marketable and you would get more self interested developers and it would be easier to recruit for.

Thanks for giving me clarity into your thought process. I agree the choice between "correct" and "marketable" is a difficult one. Sometimes the most marketable tech is the correct choice. Sometimes the correct choice is the one you and your team knows, even if it is not the most marketable. Sometimes it doesn't matter, because when you are building an app, there are many paths to success.

Technical correctness is not the only factor, there are other kinds of correctness, as you point out with React: "you would get more self interested developers and it would be easier to recruit for".

The PROBLEM is that all the job ads require you to have those skills that are impossible to very expensive to acquire if you're not employed at such a company that lets you experiment with that stuff you mentioned.

I write monoliths and I have only experimental experience with cloud, microservice, k8s, lambdas (no-sql is a no brainer). I can not find a job. All the recruiters offering any Go job, demand knowledge of exactly that. But since I'm a single guy with a currently non-existant budget I chose the cheapest way, monolith with a single database on a single server.

How am I supposed to acquire those skills? I don't have the time, motivation or the money to throw at expensive cloud or write overly complicated microservices with events. I need to get things done, not play with tech that my clueless employer wants, because they watched so Kelsey Hightower video.

They are often not required. It's obviously great if you have worked with a lot of the technology used at the new company, but many companies don't apply these as hard filters. I've never seen a candidate that had a 100% technology fit, but not one cares about that.

I view the technologies listed in the job ad much more as information for the applicant to judge if they'd be comfortable working with such a tech stack. Often it's the only place to get a glimpse of what technology a company is using.

I think there are two types of startups and it depends what you are actually doing:

- Startup that has product market fit (or is really close), and is ready to scale: choose boring tech that works

- Startup that is a playground, exploring or building new tech, and may never make money.

You can join either as an employee/cofounder/leader, and have a great time, but if you mistake one for the other, you will have a bad time.

Yeah, I have seen similar experiences, hence why I am a boring tech kind of person.

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