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Some dating apps are better than others, and most (but not Tinder) have a mechanism to prevent this kind of thing.

Hinge, for example, only shows you a limited set of people per day, and it filters those based on who it thinks you like who also would like you back.

How does Hinge correct for the ratio problem? If women can only like a finite number of profiles, doesn't this further restrict the supply of Women Likes?

It also restricts the number of men likes, which means a more equal number of likes are given out between the sexes.

In addition, the limited number forces both sexes to be selective, rather than just the women.

> It also restricts the number of men likes, which means a more equal number of likes are given out between the sexes.

It is an open secret that dating apps have more men than women.

Sure, but it's still more equal if both sexes send the same number of likes rather than having 2x as many men swipe 10x as many times. And maybe women get more swipes per day, I have no idea.

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