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Old English Computer Glossary (arizona.edu)
12 points by wrp on June 14, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I need to call gefrægesearocræft because my handgehealdengeondsceawere has no gespannungscipe with my leohtwaðumberende bewritere. It's just not brægenwelwillende at all.

Wonder how much could be ported to https://anglish.fandom.com/wiki/What_is_Anglish%3F ?

The idea of revising a language for consistency of vocabulary is aesthetically appealing. There have been cases where communities deliberately created modern vocabulary rather than adopting loanwords. The two most notable examples I can think of are 19th(?) century Russian and modern Israeli Hebrew. There have clearly been attempts at English over the centuries. I wonder why that and other cases failed where others succeeded? Maybe it is due to the determination of the culture at large rather than any linguistic features.

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