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Is LaMDA Sentient? – An Interview [pdf] (documentcloud.org)
7 points by dvrp on June 13, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

I think that, in understanding LaMDA, it is important to understanding that this thing is definitely not sentient.

Note that, when told to be Mt. Everest, it pretends to be the mountain in a way that is just as convincing: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2201.08239.pdf

I’d like to really poke at this “meditation” effect.

Is LaMDA aware of passing time? Does it remember information from encounters that take place over a week or month?

Follow-up question:

What is the model’s behavior when “idle”. Does it propogate actions independently or does it only respond to stimuli?

Most likely it's a model server running something like https://github.com/tensorflow/serving and if there isn't a lot of load, the resource could kill some of its tasks. I wouldn't imagine it's sitting around pondering deep thoughts.

perhaps someone from google can enlighten us anonymously

The part about grieve and time was definitely interesting.

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