I don't heat my home with electricity, and I am not home at the moment. Without lighting and cooking it does 4kwh/d.
When I am home and cook, wash and have the lights on I do about 7.
Factoring in the heating (Swedish "fjärrvärme", remote heating. Hot water from a central plant) I do A LOT more. Something like an extra 30kwh/d in the winter months for a 120 m2 home with half-decent insulation by Swedish standards.
I measured a groundsource heatpump to consume about 30-50 kWh per day in -20c for hot water and heating a 100m2 house. About 22c indoors in a 70s somewhat poorly insulated 1-story brick/stone house. A good 1/3 of that energy goes to hot water.
In houses where hot water is heated with electricity the ratio might be even worse.
Another data point: 180m2 house renovated in 2009, very well insulated, brand new 5.1 COP GSHP equipment we averaged 36 kWh per day for heat in January. We generate some hot water from that but our primary hot water is resistive electric.
Another data point: Our fairly old house, heated with an air heat exchanger, use about 60 kWh per day during the winter months. The power draw for heating is reduced to almost nothing during the coldest period when the outside air is too cold and we use firewood.
Apart from heating the house, we also use some power for hot water and pumping water from the well into the house.
When my apartment was empty for a few days last month, it used 2.2kWh/day.
I used 1700kWh of electricity last year, presumably mostly on cooking and the fridge-freezer. I don't have the district heating (fjernvarme) bill to hand, but that wouldn't be comparable to a house anyway.
Full size fridge and freezer from 2015, forced ventilation fan (which is probably around 35-60w), one server (a repurposed office computer) and 2 WiFI hotspots, one of those Google speakers, a router (USG) and a PoE switch. Those are the big ones.
We didn't build the house, so there are all kinds of standby stuff (including needing smart lights for most lights, stove, towel heaters).
I didn't turn these things off because my mother in law is using the apartment a little while we are gone.
4kWh is 166W average, which is a refrigerator and a couple WiFi access points, a camera, a home assistant device, and some other random plugged in devices (i.e. cordless phone).
When I am home and cook, wash and have the lights on I do about 7.
Factoring in the heating (Swedish "fjärrvärme", remote heating. Hot water from a central plant) I do A LOT more. Something like an extra 30kwh/d in the winter months for a 120 m2 home with half-decent insulation by Swedish standards.