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Still no IPv6 support in Vercel in May 2022 (github.com/orgs)
4 points by urvader on June 11, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Why do you need IPv6 for Vercel?

1. There are some IPv6 only users in the wild, that needs connectivity.

2. All other competitors provide it.

1. What do you mean? As in some ISPs don't provide ipv4 routing? That is surprising

US Rural ISP: there seems to one user who pop-up on reddit, which I think is a real story.


Ukrainian ISP: there is another user on the discord IPv6 thread mentioned that his ISP also IPv6 only, but I could not verify it.

I honestly didn't know this was a thing in the wild now. Sure, we've all been hearing about the death of IPv4 for two decades, but this is the first time I've heard of an actual person even wanting IPv6, much less needing it.

Thanks for sharing.

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