>Nintendo sent someone to jail for selling cheats for a single player game. To jail! (emphasized and repeated)
No, it's not splitting hairs. He was arrested. At least where I'm from, that basically means being escorted to a police station and questioned.
Perhaps you know some specifics about the Japanese legal system that I don't, and everyone over there that is arrested spends a week in jail waiting to be heard by a magistrate.
But as far as I can tell, there's nothing to even suggest that he was charged.
No, it's not splitting hairs. He was arrested. At least where I'm from, that basically means being escorted to a police station and questioned.
Perhaps you know some specifics about the Japanese legal system that I don't, and everyone over there that is arrested spends a week in jail waiting to be heard by a magistrate.
But as far as I can tell, there's nothing to even suggest that he was charged.