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Apple adds new atrial fibrillation feature to watchOS 9 (theverge.com)
14 points by emdashcomma on June 6, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

As someone with a diagnosed arrhythmia, I absolutely love the features that the Apple watches continue to ship which help me understand my heart health on a more day-to-day basis.

And as someone with a diagnosed arrhythmia, I absolutely hate how easy the Apple watch makes it to obsess over heart health when so much data is available immediately.

Overall, though, Apple's continued investments into health data are one of the reasons I'm loving the ecosystem.

Are you at all worried that you might but be hired for a position on the basis that your heart data was riskier then another candidate?

Maybe that date is private enough today but will that always be true?

This seems like a problem the specific to the US where employers pay for healthcare. Other countries probably don’t have this issue.

Nah, I'm not worried.

This is how we slip

No, not falling into "Be afraid! Be very afraid! Pray they don't alter the agreement any further!" is not how we slip. That's how we keep from collecting our own urine in jars on a shelf. I mean, live how you wish, but there's got to be a lot of shit falling to place quickly before I'd worry about a potential employer somehow getting my heart data.

It's also in poor form, when someone gives an honest answer to an honest question, to reply with "yeah, well, you're doing it wrong".

I'm waiting for computer tomograpy feature before buying one.

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