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Can a web designer be compelled to create a site for a gay wedding? (reason.com)
3 points by Bostonian on June 6, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Should a racist be forced to create a site for a minority wedding?

Although, what about a underage wedding? what if it was in a different country where the age limit is way below your home country?

if you want to use the religious argument why aren't polygamist weddings allowed if it's allowed in their church?

We abolished slavery with the Thirteenth Amendment, nobody should be forced to work.

I've never understood why anyone would want to compel someone to do work for them. Regardless of the legalities, if any, the "compeller" is always going to get a bad result from someone who doesn't want to do the work.

I'm an atheist; do you think I'll create websites for Christian weddings?

This isn't about whether you would, it is about whether I should be able to compel you.

You can't compel me unless you're prepared to stand behind me and hold a gun to my head until the site is done and deployed. All you can do is punish me for refusing, and hope the punishment is harsh enough that I decide defiance isn't worth it.

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