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Are Taser drones the answer to America's gun violence problem? (dronedj.com)
6 points by rosaceous on June 4, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

Considering that every other country in the world does fine without employing taser drones, I think there are better solutions


"Every other country". Might want to re-word that.

Intentional homicide != gun violence

Indeed, but we should almost certainly care more about total homicide than gun violence (which is 2/3rds suicide, 1/3rd gun homicide).

Yea we should, but the topic at hand is children being slaughtered in schools with assault rifles

I would like to incorporate John Stewart's idea. [1]

[1] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6KZY4msgUY [video]

To think that the company's own ethics board voted against the proposal to equip drones with Tasers, but the CEO is going ahead nonetheless. Blows my mind!

Hmm. I wonder how easy it would be to take over those devices?

Would it be our robot overlords doing it?

An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.

I f*cking hope not lmao

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