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>Our privacy is still great...

I am having trouble squaring this away with how I've seen you communicate here on HN. Since announcing You, people have asked you about third-party requests they see in You's Private mode, but each time you're asked, you avoid the question. Surely you see how avoiding a privacy-focused question can give one pause when we see you turn around and say that your "privacy is still great"?

I'd be curious if you'd be willing to shed light on those third-party requests?

Thanks for the message.

Our private mode proxies all external calls to third party services, including images, videos, and all search results. On top of that all internal telemetry is turned off, first party cookies are ignored (we never have any third party cookies), split testing is disabled, and any app that requires location is turned off. Any such calls that were seen around the initial launch should not have been there, ie were bugs, and have been remedied.

We really want our private mode to be the best in class when it comes to privacy, so please let us know if you have more feedback for us.

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