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This is phenomenal! I have been toying with similar ideas, and I am so glad you are the same person behind Wave Function Collapse [1] . The fact that you have lifted the technique into a programming language is immensely powerful. Where do you want to go with it?

What research or other projects have been impactful on this work?

From the author, 40 minutes of the algorithm running through examples. [2]

Past stories about Wave Function Collapse [3]

[1] https://github.com/mxgmn/WaveFunctionCollapse

Youtube videos of WFC https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=wave+function+c...

[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOQTr2Xmlz0

[3] https://hn.algolia.com/?dateRange=all&page=0&prefix=true&que...

Thank you!

For MarkovJunior, the recent projects that were impactful the most were Imagegram by Guilherme S. Tows [1] and Daniel Ritchie's dissertation [2] about PPLs for procgen. I took quite a different approach from Ritchie's though.

[1] https://zaratustra.itch.io/imagegram

[2] https://dritchie.github.io/pdf/thesis.pdf

That thesis is really fun, but it will take me a couple weeks to digest. Before it even starts I see Pat Hanrahan, who is one of the nicest most creative people I have met in CS (), I know this going to be good.

A fantasy of mine is to have a bag of arbitrary constraints and behaviors of agents that exercise the system. One could sketch a building, model the behavior of people that will use it and let the system run, doing backwards and forwards inference to evolve a structure that makes those agents satisfied across lots of criteria. The designer if they are still called that, can select designs they like and the system can use that as a seed or test oracle. Virtual cows, cow paths and evolvable structures wrt those cow paths.

What do you think of "Growing Neural Cellular Automata" [1]

Are you by chance following CadQuery? [2]

[1] https://distill.pub/2020/growing-ca/

[2] https://github.com/CadQuery/cadquery

This paper is an excellent jumping off point into the academic literature.


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