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Germany got hooked on Russian energy (theguardian.com)
4 points by sorokod on June 2, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Wrong. Germany got hooked on cost-effective energy that just happens to be produced by Russia. There's nothing stopping Germany from using other sources of energy than Russia, except that it won't be as cost-effective.

Germany is huge exporter of finished machinery. That machinery will increase in cost because its inputs are more expensive. That means that more expensive machinery will no longer be competitive on the World's markets. That also means that Germany's exports will fall, and Germany won't be the economic power that it once was.

“In February this year, German Green economic affairs and climate action minister Robert Habeck said that gas storage facilities owned by Gazprom in Germany had been “systematically emptied” over the winter, to drive up prices and exert political pressure. It was a staggering admission of Russia’s power to disrupt energy supplies.”

It's cheap and the Germans are always happy for a good deal.

Everyone likes cheap but the article has a great deal more to say.

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