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>> and get no respect. > not my experience at all

Respect could mean different things to different people, but I find the things you wrote not to be very respectful, but being nice in my evaluation.

I have worked in a research lab. While the folks I worked with respected my work, what I would actually consider respectful is including me in the design of the work, not giving me my part of work after they designed the thing they want to work on. And while most job industry is not good in this respect, working in research lab is worse than that. Almost all research labs treats SWE like cost center[0].

[0]: https://www.kalzumeus.com/2011/10/28/dont-call-yourself-a-pr...

> Respect could mean different things to different people, but I find the things you wrote not to be very respectful, but being nice in my evaluation.

> I have worked in a research lab. While the folks I worked with respected my work, what I would actually consider respectful is including me in the design of the work, not giving me my part of work after they designed the thing they want to work on. And while most job industry is not good in this respect, working in research lab is worse than that. Almost all research labs treats SWE like cost center[0].

I don't quite understand your point, do you mean that you as an SRE want to be involved in the grant being written? That might be appropriate if the grant is directly on the topic of software, but completely inappropriate if the SRE writes the labautomation software to be used in the grant. So if the researcher asks you to write a GUI to some lab-instrument for example is that being disrespectful?

Regarding your citation, I also don't get it. The text says that MBAs consider SWEs as cost centers, so that implies it's worse in industry (there's very few MBAs running research labs). I can also tell you that academics are largely considered cost centres by university admin.

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