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Virtual DOM is an unnecessary overhead, is what the parent is saying.

There is probably a good reason popular frameworks insist on using it though.

I would guess:

- historically, manipulating the DOM directly was slow (in WebKit?) so working on a virtual one made sense

- The idea writing a compiler like Svelte which does the heavy lifting at compile time was not there, or was dismissed for some reason (the React developers might have decided that having a reactive model like Svelte, with the need to tweak JS's semantic a bit - where assigning variables trigger stuff - was not great, or they didn't want this JS/HTML separation)

And then you are stuck with your model for compatibility reasons. React cannot get rid of its virtual DOM without breaking everyone.

The VDOM library will still need to manipulate the real DOM sooner or later, so the proposed performance boost of this abstraction is not relevant for browsers.

Since the VDOM runs fast in Node, you can execute your tests quickly in Jest. But since no real browser are running on Node, the value of this is perhaps questionable.

The browser can get a performance boost via serverside rendering and again it comes in handy that the VDOM runs fast in Node. But perhaps this solves a problem that the VDOM has caused, because React loads slowly and renders the slowest [1].

You can run the VDOM in Android and on iOS via React Native and this is all well, but the VDOM is holding the web back because we have come to expect all this from technologies such as Web Components that might load fast and render fast by virtue of not relying on it.

The virtual DOM is modelling the DOM, but the DOM comes with a model out of the box, it's called the Document Object Model and it is always in sync with the view without any constant performance tweaks. Asynchronous rendering can fix it until batched rendering solves it for good. But these are opposite rendering strategies! We are simply going in circles now.

A lot of the myths around the virtual DOM can be explained by unwillingness to learn the native API and we are mostly dealing with the fallout now. It's the same with CSS. Sorry for the rant and the abuse of your comment.

[1] https://twitter.com/championswimmer/status/14865018568345845...

> The VDOM library will still need to manipulate the real DOM sooner or later, so the proposed performance boost of this abstraction is not relevant for browsers

VDOM is to DOM as Emacs buffer is to terminal display.

Updating the terminal display was historically slow, so there's an algorithm inside Emacs to take the buffer state, diff it against the previous state, and compile a list of terminal commands (escape sequences) that represent a minimal transition between the two states. Famously, it was marked with an ASCII art skull and crossbones in the comments of the source code.

The VDOM is there for the same reason: provide a fast way to minimize the cost of slow DOM transitions.

It sounds like they would repaint the entire terminal on every single change, but that is not what the alternative to VDOM is. They could have skipped straight to the list of terminal commands without the overhead of diffing for an even faster result and that's of course not as easy as it sounds, but that is more or less what lit-html attempts to do with the strategy outlined on https://dev.to/thisdotmedia/lit-html-rendering-implementatio.... This of course comes with a different overhead, so the option to change a `style` property directly should still be considered an option that beats all these strategies if you are doing it sixty frames per second. The problem with VDOM is not with the technology, but with the marketing that has made us believe that such an approach is problematic and slow.

The real DOM is always manipulated. Given a state change the entire virtual DOM is generated, then diffed with the real DOM and then changed parts are put into the real DOM (= real DOM is manipulated). What I wonder is whether the reason for virtual DOM is really just historic, is there anything else that has caused its persistence other than inertia?

> then diffed with the real DOM

Diffing with real DOM is slow, majority of vdom libraries aren't diffing with real DOM. As an author of a "vdom" library, I don't like to think about "reconciler" as a diffing algorithm because it is a useless constraint, I like to think about it as a some kind of a VM that uses different heuristics to map state to different operations represented as a tree data structure.

> What I wonder is whether the reason for virtual DOM is really just historic, is there anything else that has caused its persistence other than inertia?

As a thought experiment try to imagine how would you implement such features:

- Declarative and simple API

- Stateful components with basic lifecycle like `onDispose()`

- Context API

- Components that can render multiple root DOM nodes or DOMless components

- Inside out rendering or at least inside out DOM mounting

- Conditional rendering/dynamic lists/fragments without marker DOM nodes

Here are just some basics that you will need to consider when building a full-featured and performant web UI library. I think that you are gonna be surprised by how many libraries that make a lot of claims about their performance or that "vdom is a pure overhead" are actually really bad when it comes to dealing with complex use cases.

I am not saying that "vdom" approach is the only efficient way to solve all this problems, or every "vdom" library is performant(majority of vdom libraries are also really bad with complex use cases), but it is not as simple as it looks :)

Occasionally when touching on this topic here or elsewhere, or when searching for it on the web, I haven't found an elaborate explanation to why exactly virtual DOM is (as it does seems wasteful, at least for someone looking from the outside). But perhaps as you point out, the only sure-fire way to feel the actual benefit would be to try to build one yourself.

So thanks for listing out some concrete things that may be easier to implement with a virtual DOM. And if there are any other good resources out there, then do share! :)

> And if there are any other good resources out there, then do share! :)

Unfortunately there aren't any good resources on this topics. Everyone is just focusing on a diffing and unable to see a bigger picture. In the end, all feature-complete libraries implement diffing algorithms for dynamic children lists and attribute diffing for "spread attributes", so with this features we are kinda already implementing almost everything to work with DOM and create a vdom API, everything else are just slight optimizations to reduce diffing overhead. But working with DOM is only a part of a problem, it is also important how everything else is implemented, all this different features are going to be intertwined and we can end up with combinatorial explosion in complexity if we aren't careful enough. Svelte is a good example of a library that tried to optimize work with DOM nodes at the cost of everything else. As an experiment, I would recommend to take any library from this[1] benchmark that makes a lot of claims about its performance, and start making small modifications to the benchmark implementation by wrapping DOM nodes into separate components, add conditional rendering, add more dynamic bindings, etc and look how different features will affect its performance. Also, I'd recommend to run tests in a browser with ublock and grammarly extensions.

And again, it is possible to implement a library with a declarative API that avoids vDOM diffing and it will be faster that any "vdom" library in every possible use cases, but it shouldn't be done at the cost of everything else. But unfortunately, some authors of popular libraries are spreading a lot of misinformation about "vdom overhead" and even unable to compete with the fastest ones.

1. https://github.com/krausest/js-framework-benchmark

> The real DOM is always manipulated. Given a state change the entire virtual DOM is generated, then diffed with the real DOM and then changed parts are put into the real DOM (= real DOM is manipulated)

That's true, but you need to read a lot from the (V)DOM when diff'ing. Which was said to be slow with the read DOM. I don't know to which extent, and I've read it's not true anymore.

I don't think the diff'ing is done with the real DOM, but between two VDOMs. No?

Anyway, I personally find this approach heavy and like more how Svelte patches the DOM instead of computing a diff.

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