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This hasn't been a big issue for me with Rust. You do have to spend a bit of time looking around initially, but there are lots of good-quality libraries that aren't going away anytime soon, you make your pick and move on and after doing that a few times you pretty much have a standard library of sorts. For me personally, that wouldn't be a reason to pick Go over Rust.

What's moving the scales in favor of Go, for me, is Rust's borrow checker. I'm aware that it has a bunch of advantages over a garbage collector, but those are paid for with a pretty noticable productivity hit that doesn't seem to go entirely away with experience either; experienced Rustaceans I've consulted with less-common patterns still spent a lot of energy finding a way to make them work with the borrow checker and still sufficiently efficient, and most of that could have been saved for more productive work in a language more open to existing design patterns. Usually I'm neither out for the maximum safety at all costs nor resource-constrained, so I'd rather take Go-ish levels of safety and Go-ish performance and get work done faster.

If there was a Rust with a first-class garbage collector, but keeping all the neat functional elements, the neat semantics, the great libraries and ecosystem, strong types, single binary etc. pp., I'd pick that right away. Go is "easy" at the cost of expressiveness to a degree that makes for reams upon reams of repetitive code or code generation, and Rust-ish functional patterns could greatly condense that and make much more readable, at the expense of having a somewhat higher learning curve. That's a trade-off that I'd much prefer, reading and reviewing Go codebases can be very tedious.

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