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SumatraPDF 3.4 Released (sumatrapdfreader.org)
277 points by rlv-dan on May 31, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 79 comments

I'm especially proud of adding Command Palette (Ctrl + K).

And you can now customize keyboard shortcuts.

And created https://sumatrapdf.canny.io/feature-requests so that you can vote on features I should implement next (people really want the dark theme).

And I'm making https://www.sumatrapdfreader.org/prerelease daily builds with seamless auto-updates so that people interested in latest features can get them as soon as they are implemented (I've already added .avif support, and commands to re-open last closed file and clear history)

I have now been on Linux for quite some time but I remember how happy I was when I found as a teenager your fast no bs pdf reader for my not at all powerful old windows machine. The sheer joy of kicking Adobe Acrobat reader out of the system tray...

I'll add to the list of thank yous, I've been a SumatraPDF user for years and never looked back. It's everything I love in a program: light, fast, does one job perfectly. Kudos from Belgium ! :)

Funny, I use SumatraPDF in Belgium too :-) Thanks !

I don't know whether this would be you or mupdf -- I suspect the latter -- but I'd really like to be able change the line spacing (i.e. the "leading") in the epub reading mode.

I find line spacing to be one of the larger factors contributing to readability (or lack thereof).

Regardless, thanks, and cheers!

Incredible piece of work. Thank you for dealing with the PDF spec(?) so I don’t have to.

That is mostly done by the MuPDF library, which SumatraPDF provides a nice interface for (along with supporting many other formats).

I think the difficulty of PDFs is not so much the spec, but the many many non-spec-compliant PDF files out there that need workarounds.

Thank you for such an amazing product, I have been using Sumatra everywhere I can for years. In an era of bloated software you showed there is another way.

Thank you for your work on SumatraPDF, it's the best PDF and epub viewer I've ever used.

Thank you very much for adding font recognition in a second properties window. I've been able to rid myself of Acrobat for months now. My only critique would be that the font list would be better kept in the first properties window. One Ctrl+D is more elegant than two.

Would a Dark Mode come in the next release?

Possibly. It's the most requested feature at https://sumatrapdf.canny.io/feature-requests

I don't use Windows, but when I have to, SumatraPDF is one of the first things I install. Thanks.

The 64 bit installer of the prerelease (SumatraPDF-prerel-64-install.exe) seems to be 404ing. The other three downloads work, though.


    "code": "not_found",
    "message": "File with such name does not exist.",
    "status": 404

Thanks, I'm proxying downloads via cloudflare (otherwise I would pay $500/mo bandwidth bill) and sometimes it breaks.

I've cleared the cache and it seems to be working (at least for me).

I've been dying for a proper dark theme. I think there's been a workaround/hack to do something like it, but it doesn't look good that way.

This used to be my go-to reader when I used to use windows. Really snappy, always did the job. Congratulations on the release.

is there an option to display two pages side-by-side for a PDF that I am missing?

I presume this is very common use-case for ebooks?

Ctrl-7 or Ctrl-8, depending on whether you want page 1 by itself or beside page 2.

View -> Facing

Excellent lightweight and pure Win32 software, always finds its way into the system whenever I need to visit MS-land. Never change, and please never do a "modern" electron.js hell rewrite, Sumatra PDF is an exemplar of something that does its job and asks only for what it needs.

This reader along with 7Zip, IrfanViewer, FreeCommander, Gvim (and some others) comprise the old faithfuls.

Along with Sumatra, agreed that IrfanView is an incredible gem. It will take pretty much anything you throw at it, and is incredibly lightweight. When doing animations, I can load up a folder with several thousand images and just hold down the right arrow key to get a preview of the animation via IrfanView.

Don't be fooled by the name. It's not limited to PDF. It's possibly the best ebook reader for windows.

Also almost the only app I could find to just open ebook files the traditional document file way - without adding them to a library (I hate the fact every ebook file viewer insists to maintain a library). Calibre's viewer executable is an alternative - it can open files without adding them to the Calibre library.

It's good and fast but lacks some features (like find) that Calibre's reader has.

> 3.4 (2022-05-24)

> better support for epub files using mupdf's epub engine. Adds text selection and search in ebook files. Better rendering fidelity. On the downside, might be slower.

Finally. SumatraPDF was my main driver for epub files even before this, but it's so good to finally get search.

ah, thanks for that!

3.4 has a new epub / mobi support and has find

Best PDF reader. For me biggest feature is not locking file while reading. I can't image developing some PDF with Jasper with any other PDF reader. 10 years ago people looked at me as some god when I show them how to test jasper rendering PDF with JUnit and SumatraPDF and not deployng whole app to Websphere and clicking through it. Decresed time to see changes from 4-5 minutes to 2-3 seconds.

This is an incredible program to read PDFs! Lighting fast, super small, no telemetry or any other invasive things...

Along with VLC and Firefox one of the first programs I install on a fresh windows installation. I've been using this instead of Adobe for years. And as has been mentioned it reads a lot of other formats. Its fast and clean and easily the best reader software out there.

If you want support, publicity, bug reports, etc. just change the name to SumatraEPUB or SumatraEbook + "which can read most formats including pdfs" + Android app. It will skyrocket the downloads.

I had to revert back to 3.3, the EbookUI settings were removed in 3.4 and you cannot use custom fonts when reading EPUB files. It's unusable for me like this.

Why in god's name would they do that? I miss the reader, too bad is not available in Linux

You can actually run Sumatra in Linux with Wine. It's just that you have to alter a path in the PDF association config to suppress one annoying error.

That's good to know, but it is way too much, besides I hate all kind of virtualization (Docker, Wine, VMWare), hate it. The only one I tolerate ins QEMU 'cause I can play with my toy OSes there. From time to I design a plan to make some sort of Sumatra version for Linux, but it is probably more bite that I could chew.

Good news, Wine is not an emulator! Wine is a linux implementation of (some) of the windows API

Even worse, at least in a emulator you are making native calls, with wine you need to pray the "compatibility layer" + the OS + the program play nice. I have never had a pleasant experience with it, every program sooner or later crashes with some obscure message about a missing DLL or something. I use Linux, but if a software is Windows only I simply discard it from my choices.

I don't use Windows software either, but you've been told that it runs with an error, and how to fix that error. Your past experience with other software is irrelevant.

Last time I tried Sumatrapdf I couldn't find a good way to quickly turn dark mode on/off, or keep a sidebar that showed me all of my annotations inline, or make 'popup note' annotations. Has any of it changed now?

For a real dark mode it still isn't there but it's in the developer's roadmap and the most voted feature at the new https://sumatrapdf.canny.io/feature-requests

SumatraPDF is great! It’s fast, but does not work well for annotations like highlighting text.

I have switched to Okular, you can install it directly from the Microsoft store directly.

this is simply the best thing to happen to a windows pc. seriously, adobe reader is ABSOLUTE trash as compared to sumatra. every time i see someone's pc, i involuntarily install sumatra, remove adobe reader

So you remove a full-featured product, albeit a bloated one, for one that has very limited functionality. So next time they go to sign a PDF or whatever they are going to say... hmmm, this person uninstalled something I actually use.

For everyone who needs: JSignPDF[1]. FLOSS multi platform software to sign PDF's.

[1] http://jsignpdf.sourceforge.net/

eh, people dont have to "Sign" a pdf, there are dozens of online software to do just that.

So upload sensitive information to a random third-party to sign a document? No thanks

Many people aren't willing to do this when the document contains sensitive information.

No. Anything that requires signing is not getting uploaded to a random web service.

At what point will Adobe designers realise that most of us would rather experience knife wounds than use Adobe Reader? It is an objectively worse experience to almost every single PDF reader including Chrome. I'd rather get stabbed every time I use SumatraPDF than use Adobe Reader.

I agree with you on Adobe Reader but I think Adobe doesn't care one bit. Somehow they have managed to entrench themselves in the enterprise document workflow.

It’s been over a decade since I used adobe reader (currently a Linux user, and sumatra user when I had windows). And I honestly don’t remember what made adobe reader bad (I just remember that it was bad). Do you care to explain what it is specifically about adobe reader that is so bad compared to Sumatra?

The pre-CC Adobe Reader XI functions pretty much the same as Sumatra and doesn't have those anti-features

Adobe Reader XI reached end-of-life of on 15 October 2017. [0] It has not received security updates for nearly five years.

Security updates are very important for a PDF reader, particularly Adobe's. [1] I would advise you not to use it, unless it is to open trusted PDF files you created yourself.

[0] https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/kb/end-of-support-acrobat-xi...

[1] https://www.cvedetails.com/vulnerability-list/vendor_id-53/p...

sumatra is like 2 MB install

What does it add to plain mupdf (on which it seems to be based)? I love the clean, elegant interface of mupdf, and I can't imagine how could you ever improve on that.

Lots and lots of additional features.

More formats supported, more view options, remembers the history of files, command palette to quickly access all functionality, way more keyboard shortucts, customizable keyboard shortucts, more customizability of the UI.

Maybe I shouldn't comment on the competition but mupdf on windows is very bare bones.

As I understand, with html, mupdf tries to support all web technologies?

No. MuPDF only supports a limited subset of HTML5 and CSS to support basic EPUB and FictionBook2.

For Windows XP 32-bit, the last supported version is 3.1.2. There is a guy[1] who hacks on later releases to make them work on XP. His latest is version 3.3.3.[2]

[1] https://msfn.org/board/topic/176299-latest-version-of-softwa...

[2] http://designingonajuicycup.com/downloads/untested/sumatrapd... (file)

He posted in the Sumatra PDF forum how to do the hack yourself.


This app's still going?!? Man, this was my official PDF/eBook/CBZ reader when my life revolved around cheap PC laptops, Win2K/Classic theme, and lots of low-footprint apps like Foobar2000, uTorrent (pre-monetization), etc

We've been using Sumatra at my work in New Zealand for the past year.

I moved back to Windows after years of Linux use. I was shocked at how slow PDFS opened. So, I started looking for a replacement. Sumatra was by far the best.

My #1 choice for .epub :).

I used to use Sumatra all the time. It's fast and light, exactly what I'm looking for

Unfortunately BSI added DRM to the PDFs which means I'm now locked down to Acrobat

As a lawyer, SumatraPDF is my go to for everything. Fast, snappy, and works with zero-config problems through Wine on Linux.

I found this thing like 6years ago on hn. Thanks! hands down best lightweight pdf editor ever!

Kudos from India :-) Keep up the good work, team! You mean a lot to us!

Any recommendations for macOS?

As a cross-platform solution for simple PDF files, I just use Firefox. But SumatraPDF reads much more than just PDF files, and for everything else, I haven't found a good, cross-platform alternative for the platforms I usually use (Linux, Windows and macOS).

> mac

It works in macOS trough Wine. Try `brew install wine` `wine64 ~/.wine/drive_c/SumatraPDF-3.4.3-64.exe`

Preview works pretty well.


According to your recent experience, how does LibreOffice Draw compare to Foxit PDF editor?

I remember the days when I needed a collection of PDF-editing apps because some PDFs only rendered correctly in some specific editor and other PDFs in another editor. Today 100% of PDFs seam to be editable in LibreOffice Draw without any problems.

it is not rendered as good as in Foxit, but LOD will do the job for free, I use them for different purposes - Foxit for viewing (the basic version I use can't edit PDF directly), writing comments and maybe stamping with my transparent signature, LOD for editing content of PDF which I really had to use for COVID nonsense, there are still differences in rendering depending on PDF

> edit illegally required COVID PCR test certificates to satisfy morons blindly following illegal requirements as later confirmed by Czech supreme court (all mandates were illegal))

Edgy! And complete nonsense, of course. Legal requirements, for one, but more HN-related: Do you really think that you and your PDF editor can fake the authorities' signature in that QR code?

There was no QR code. You could have proof of recovery issued by any EU doctor just with his stamp/signature or you could have also PCR test result without QR code.

Nothing edgy about talking facts - discrimination of unvaxxed was ILLEGAL, mask mandate was ILLEGAL, all fines are INVALID, both findings of Czech supreme court, some of us seen it through and din't bend our backs for convenience.

Still no released support for screen readers [1]. The developer seems confused about whether muPDF should have the support [2] (accessibility is the responsibility of the GUI - it needs to provide an accessibility tree for any manually rendered text).

[1] https://www.sumatrapdfreader.org/docs/Accessibility-and-Text... [2] https://github.com/sumatrapdfreader/sumatrapdf/issues/321

"SumatraPeter" is just a user with "Sumatra" in the name not the developer. The actual developer's comment is:

> For standard windows controls (like buttons or menus) Windows provides the necessary code to support accessibility features used by screen readers etc. Everything else (like PDF text rendered on screen) needs custom code. This code is not easy to write and there is a lot of other code that needs to be written.

Based on your first link it seems they started working on support as described and could use some help finishing it.

Oops. Thank you. I wish I could edit/delete my comment. I apologise to the developer for my accidental misrepresentation.

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