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Agree! please keep up the fight. Use the benefits (like ad blocking making YT watchable) to encourage other young people to fight too!

Hold on there. Ads popping up on YT are annoying but it's up to the user to decide if they are worth the content they're watching, same as TV or print or the radio. Using an Ad blocker in my view is no different than stealing.

Toss in SponsorBlock to auto skip time wasters and Unhook to hide the manipulative recommendation feed and other noise, too! Life is too short to waste it on advertisements.

Not using a piece of a service (the ads) is not stealing, nor likely is it violating any service contact.

Nope. Website sends information to my computer, my computer displays it the way I want it to be displayed. The website sending the information doesn't own my computer.

I offer you a free cake, but every 4 bites you have to let me smash your thumb with a hammer.

How do you react?

1. Tell me to go to hell.

2. Try to figure out a way to eat the cake without getting your thumb smashed.

3. Accept the offer.

1 & 2 are perfectly rational human reactions. 3 probably indicates some degree of mental illness on your part.

There's also probably a deep sickness in the society and culture that allowed me to make the offer in the first place.

> same as TV

is switching channels or otherwise ignoring the TV while ads are on also stealing?

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