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No. It's that the UI, privacy leakage, software, and electronic engineering of these things is simply horrible.

I'd be happy with IoT appliances iff:

--They weren't designed to fail because of poor power conditioning and thermal management.

--They weren't vectors for botnets due to poor security.

--They ran on my personal cloud or LAN rather than some godawful Chinese server.

--I had veto power over all SW updates, and I could roll them back.

--They didn't constantly beep at me as if I were their servant, rather than the other way around.

--Their MTBF was longer than "dumb" appliances rather than shorter.

I can design systems like this, but apparently the big white goods manufacturers cannot, or don't want to.

They don't think there is a market for it OR they don't put it into their core principles.

There is a market for it.

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