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I'd pay to have the same exact interface installed in my home today. I imagine using that kind of touchscreen felt like butter compared to a modern Honeywell thermostat.

Yeah, I don't know why modern UIs are so laggy. I have a 2-year-old Sony TV that keeps freezing (won't even turn off), Netflix UIs have a 1 second lag, etc.

A fucking TV! This is not the future I was promised.

> Netflix UIs have a 1 second lag

We have found the enemy, and his name is JavaScript. Even on a fast laptop or desktop CPU, you can very readily feel the difference between Electron apps and e.g. Qt apps written in C++. But on the business side, using native code is a fair bit more expensive, so we use slow chunky “maximize development speed at the user’s expense” frameworks instead.

Scale that down to the anemic Cortex A CPUs in TVs, and then stack 3 years of software updates that target the current gen TV instead of the 3-year-old one and… Yeesh.

Somehow my super old Roku has maintained about the same performance over its long life. It’s got to be coming on 10 years now. It has never been snappy, but it’s been reasonably tolerable and has been very hassle free. Dunno what they’re doing different!

So many UIs are basically HTML rendered pages and rerended the entire screen in each paint.

And on a slower chip like found in a TV it’s really noticeable.

Add in latency from Bluetooth, etc and you get all sorts of mushy experiences.

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