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The Rust Jobs Market (rustjobs.com)
6 points by alfiedotwtf on May 28, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Nice! What's your strategy to get more jobs listed on the site?

Once you get more jobs on the site, it would be nice to have a bit more compact of a UI so it's not necessary to do so much scrolling.

Thanks :)

Strategy? I don't plan on spending a cent on marketing, so I guess it's just content marketing and making things useful to the community.

As for the design, yeah... this was all me (who's not good at design), so once I can save a bit of money I'll pay a real designer :)

This already exists. See https://RustJobs.dev and http://rust.careers/

So what? Forums already existed before HN. Cars already existed before Tesla (or Toyota or GM or BMW). Discord wasn't the first chat app. Google wasn't the first web browser.

There's no requirement to avoid doing anything anyone has ever done before!

You are completely right!

Except for the fact that the blog post literally starts with the premise that there are no Rust job boards out there. That's simply not the case as I pointed out in my earlier comment.

That said, I hope this project succeeds by making it easier for Rust developers like myself to find jobs!

Question for the creator: how do you plan to compete with the existing Rust job boards?

> how do you plan to compete

It's not a zero-sum game, so i don't see it as competing

You're also completely right. After re-reading the link, I can see where you were coming from!

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