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Ross Ulbricht Sentenced to Life in Prison (2015) (nytimes.com)
5 points by ddtaylor on May 28, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Given that at least 2 federal agents were doing very weird and illegal stuff while working to bust Dread Pirate Roberts, the verdict and sentence have never seemed legit to me.

Would you be relieved to know that the 2 federal agents were also charged and sentenced to 6+ years in prison?

The federal agent who did bring him down was clean. Also Ross Ulbricht never got charged for attempting to hire hitmen through the Silk Road to execute one of his employees.

I was relieved! Thank you for your concern!

As I read it, the 2 agents were acting independently. That is, at least 2 feds saw an opportunity to make money, and took it, without conspiring together. Seemed like they were discovered more-or-less by mistake, too. What else went on during that investigation, because if two feds thought anonymous markets made for a good opportunity, how many others also thought of it?

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